
In the medical technology industry, plastic is becoming increasingly important. The medical or medical technology industry accounts for just 2-3% of global plastics production even though more than 50% of medical/pharmaceutical products are made of plastic.


Society’s perception of certain issues is shifting. This has led to a more nuanced appreciation of “sustainability” than before. As a result, the widely-held view that the use of plastics is generally harmful to the environment is being put into perspective. Medical products help “Save Lives”.

So, Greiner Bio-One has launched a campaign with the hashtag #thinkaboutit. The aim is to bring about a change of views and to emphasise the many advantages of plastics in medical technology.

Superior-quality products for reliable test results

In the midst of the present Corona crisis, not only has demand for reliable medical products made from plastic increased, but the spotlight of public interest has fallen on the question of when a Covid-19 vaccine will be available, and the development of mass antibody testing.

Greiner Bio-One products are increasingly being used in vaccine and test development, and in acute SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics, for example. And, within a very short space of time, the new VACUETTE® Virus Stabilization Tube has been developed. This aids safe sample transport and storage. In combination with VACUETTE Transport Boxes the sample material arrives securely locked at its destination in the laboratory. Pharmaceutical and diagnostics groups are also currently working on antibody tests for determining if a person has had Covid-19 and whether that person has developed antibodies to the virus. During these laboratory tests, conventional VACUETTE Blood Collection Tubes from Greiner Bio-One can be used. Many Covid-19 vaccine development projects are still at the early stages. This is when cell cultures play a significant role and where our company similarly manufactures and sells high-quality products.

Protective measures to safeguard supplies

Since the start of the Corona crisis, Greiner Bio-One has been focusing on the measures necessary to live up to its corporate responsibility. Through professional, forward-looking crisis management, it has been able to rapidly implement very many protective measures. These offer the best possible guarantee of safety for employees. In this way, production outages can be avoided and supplies to customers worldwide can be guaranteed on-site.

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