
JIMCO’s small air purifier, MAC500s is a purifier that reduces virus and bacteria with 99,9% within 3 hours. MAC500s has a documented effect and is specially designed to be installed everywhere. The patented small machine is environmentally friendly because it does not use any chemicals or filters. By a special UV-C lamp inside the machine, it will purify the air just like the natural cleaning process outside.

We have been testing the MAC500s at the Danish Technological Institute with positive results that show an efficient reduction of bacteria and viruses – Feel free to read the documentation here:

The technology behind MAC500s reduces absence due to illness!

A scientific study in Canada has proved the effect of UV-C technology in connection with indoor climate.

The study was based on a company 771 employees and the result of this study was published in ”THE LANCET” Vol. 362 of 29.11.2003. The results clearly showed a reduction of absence due to illness up to 40 % – and a daily increased productivity of up to 10 %.

​Get the feeling of fresh air indoors in your everyday life

You can be present in the room while the small air purifier is running.

The amount of ozone production in the UV-C air purifier is responsible low, that you safely can be in the room while it is cleaning the air.

Your quality of life will be significantly improved by the clean air you will be surrounding in. By continuing purifying the air, you will also reduce the risk of getting sick like getting headaches ex.

Case stories from our customers have experienced massive changes in their everyday life. Customers with ex. asthma, fatigue, and respiratory problems experiences great results.

The environmentally friendly MAC500s is helping people to feel better and safe, and that is just some of reasons why JIMCO also has received the European Business Awards for Environment.

  • ​Easy installation by plug and play
  • Up to 99,9% reduction of bacteria
  • Ensures healthy indoor climate
  • Can be used safely 24/7
  • Affordable for everyone
  • Tested and documented


“I was very plagued by asthma in my younger days, but after I got the air purifier, I have not experienced any notable problems”

– Myrna fra Denmark

​”It is with great pleasure that we can tell you what positive effects the MAC500s has had on Inge’s asthma. We have had the machine for approx four years and during that time Inge has managed to get rid of asthma medicine.”

– Søren from Denmark


MAC500s must be installed elevated in the room (1.80 meters / 70.86 inch.) to get the most effective treatment – ex. on a bookshelf, wall or ceiling.

The small UV-C air purifier, MAC500s is available in 4 colors: White, Black, Grey and stainless steel

UV Lamp – 1×8 W​
Voltage – 230 V
Power consumption​ – 25 W
Room area – 60 m3
Operating lamp – 8000 hours
Length – 310 mm
Height – 90 mm
Width – 90 mm

Learn more about MAC500s here: