GENETWORx Labs has launched a new diagnostic Flu A-B/Covid-19/RSV combination test that helps in early detection of all three separate respiratory viruses in patients with just one test sample.
The Covid-19 virus, along with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), poses a challenging infectious disease threat in the winter months as these viruses share similar symptoms.
To combat the triple threat, the new TCA/GENETWORx Flu A-B/COVID Combo Test helps to detect strands of influenza A and B, RSV, and Covid-19 all from a single sample.
GENETWORx Labs CEO William Miller said: “If you are showing symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath, it’s important to know whether you or your loved one has Covid-19, influenza, or RSV.
“The only way to be sure is through diagnostic testing. With this new combination test, healthcare providers can provide an accurate diagnosis to patients and treat them with the appropriate measures.”
With a 98% accuracy rate for influenza, the Flu A-B/COVID Combo test has a 99% accuracy for Covid-19 and 96% for RSV.
The test for influenza A/B, RSV, and Covid-19 requires a single mid-turbinate or nasopharyngeal swab sample.
In addition, testing a single sample for several pathogens requires fewer resources and less time compared to running several individual tests on different samples.
The molecular diagnostic PCR test provides results in 48 hours.
Furthermore, GENETWORx has results-reporting platforms where patients or providers can access test results in an online portal, through text or phone, or via a Covid-19 software solution called Aura.
With the flu vaccine depending on the strain of influenza circulating each year and no vaccine available for RSV, the latest test is a significant advancement in diagnostic medicine during the pandemic, the company noted.