Nine Line Apparel, along with Gerber Technology and Top Value Fabric, will develop different types of protective masks that are expected to safeguard the health of millions of people. Nine Line is able to produce 2,000 masks and 100,000 replacement filters per day with the capacity to produce up to 5 million masks and 50 million filters in one month. Along with reusable masks, Nine Line has partnered with another US manufacturer to produce a one-size-fits-all mask at cost.
OraSure Technologies has announced that its OMNIgene.ORAL saliva collection device (OM-505) has been included in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) granted to P23 Labs. Developed by OraSure’s DNA Genotek subsidiary, the device is collection kit for the detection of DNA and RNA from viruses. The EUA enables individuals to self-collect saliva specimen at-home for Covid-19 diagnosis.
Kiosk Manufacturer Association has announced the availability of technologies and resources to address the need for checking elevated body temperatures. KMA is made of companies worldwide that offer kiosk and self-service technology, hardware and software for unattended access. Some of the resources available are the Temperature Check – 22MILES Thermal Sensing FAQ, Tech Brief – Temperature Elevated & Body Temperature EBT and Antibacterial Kiosks – CDC on Contaminated Surfaces.
Andonix has announced the launch of its ‘Safely Storefront’ which is expected to arm the front-line workers with PPE to safeguard them amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The new storefront, Safely Pass, will offer the required affordable and accessible gear to companies that hire front-line workers. The company stated that Safely Pass Storefront will provide three-ply facemasks, face shields and KN95 at wholesale prices.