Researchers at the Bilkent University National Nanotechnology Research Center in Turkey have developed a ten second Covid-19 test named Diagnovir that can deliver results with 99% accuracy. The test uses nanotechnology to detect Covid-19 pathogens using fluorescent signal. A positive result is delivered within five to ten seconds, while negative result can take up to 20 seconds.
The Indian Council of Medical Research-Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR-RMRC) has conducted a study to evaluate the use of saliva as a Covid-19 diagnostic sample, instead of nasal and throat swab samples. The study showed that the results using saliva samples were comparable with those using nasal samples. Use of saliva makes sample collection easier and also reduces the chances of infection among healthcare workers. The study compared 74 samples of Covid-19 patients using nasal swabs and saliva specimens.
Emergency departments in North Wales are joining a UK study that will assess the effectiveness of Covid-19 tests that can give instant results. The Facilitating Accelerated Clinical Evaluation of Novel Diagnostic Tests for Covid-19 (FALCON) study will assess the accuracy of new and faster tests, as current tests take up to 48 hours to deliver results. The study is being conducted by researchers across the United Kingdom with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust acting as the sponsor for the study.