XPhyto Therapeutics has launched a 25-minute rapid reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test, named COVID-ID Lab, to qualitatively identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The test does not involve preceding RNA extraction for sample preparation. In a pilot project at test centres in Berlin, Germany, the operational procedures and protocols have been optimised for the quick, effective and reliable use of the test. At present, XPhyto and its partners are working on a modular hygiene- and testing-concept integrating COVID-ID Lab for large events, including concerts, conferences and sporting events.
Co-Diagnostics has announced that its Logix Smart COVID-19 Test Kit has been used by an Italian research team to detect SARS-CoV-2 and its mutated strains by testing single-use waste as part of a community surveillance method. Saliva left on single-use glasses and bottles was analysed to check for the presence of the Covid-19 virus at 20 different sites in Northern Italy during January and February this year, which was the second Covid-19 peak period.
Healthcare firm Diversified Medical Healthcare (DMH) has relaunched the RapidRona at-home RT-PCR test for Covid-19. The test, which holds Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the US Food and Drug Administration, delivers results within 48 hours. Users can self-collect nasal swab samples at home.