The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted a rapid sudden increase of integration and development of new technologies in the medical industry. With new technologies such as remote patient monitoring (RPM) devices and platforms being implemented more often in healthcare industry, more studies are conducted in order to find out how new technologies impact and influence medical industry. Telemedicine and e-Health recently published a study that evaluated the impact of one RPM platform, SafetyNet. Based in Irvine, California, US, Masimo’s study was led by Hemali Patel and colleagues at the University of Colorado and UC Health (UCH) in Aurora, Colorado.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, patients and medical professionals became more accepting of new technologies, particularly RPM devices. The study of the impact of Masimo’s SafetyNet on medical institutions has shown that RPM technologies are capable of reducing the length of Covid-19 hospital stays and therefore alleviating the pressure on hospitals and medical professionals. SafetyNet is able to transmit continuous patient monitoring data to hospital personnel using Masimo Radius PPG SET pulse oximetry and a smartphone app. RPM platforms have the ability to help medical institutions suffering from patient overload and a shortage of medical personnel.

As the usage and adoption of new technologies become more common in the healthcare industry, more studies on the impact of new technologies in healthcare are being published and conducted. However, while RPM technologies show their effectiveness, there are still concerns around issues of cybersecurity, putting medical institutions at risk of cyberattacks.