
After winning the “Photonics for Health” Innovate UK competition, Wideblue led a consortium with GSS and CRiL to develop a new range of medical device products – Solid State Optical Respiration Capnometer (SOSORC). This project sought to use GSS CO2 sensors in a range of medical devices.

Over a two-year period, Wideblue worked on many early-stage concepts and produced multiple versions of respiration rate monitors and miniature capnometers. Since then, this product has won a European Design Award and a German Design Award.

Our Approach

The first product to undergo formal clinical evaluation is the CRiL N-Tidal C capnometer. Wideblue designed and built three possible versions for early user aesthetic and ergonomic trials. One version was then chosen to take forward to full design for clinical trials. Wideblue worked on Infra-Red optical design, plastic injection moulding tooling design, electronics design, firmware design for the operation of the device and software design for control of the clinical data generated.

Wideblue had to overcome problems with breath condensation, calibration and signal integrity, design for ease of use and comply with the requirements of the medical device directive.


The final product was built to a production standard, tested and approved by York EMC, Addenbrookes Clinical Engineering and CE marked.

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